Thursday, April 27, 2006

See ya Welfare......

Recently, the Republican majority of Michigan's House of Representatives proposed a bill that would further limit the amount of aid provided to welfare recipients. The plan would call for a lifetime limt of 4 years on public assistance. It would also limit the funds available to the those whom are not looking for work.

I think this is a realativly good idea. It seems as if our society has become more and more dependant on help from others. This is a good plan when use is limited and the individual is doing all that they can to remove themselves from there present strife. The problem with the current system is that there is not check on those people whom use it for basically forever. Generations have grown up on this assistance. I am speaking from a point of view where I have never had to, and hope to never need such services. So I don't really know about the complete "ins and outs" of what you get and what you don't get. Yet I have personaly known people who have bought the "Bridge Cards". The way this works is as follow; I have a "Bridge Card" worth $100 and I want to sell it to you. I would sell you my $100 "Bridge Card" for probably $50-$75 cash. This allows me to have the cash and not be forced to spend it upon food or toiletries. And the buyer now has potentially doubled his money for food. Good for the buyer and, I suppose good for the seller. How good for society and and the system? A quick fix would be person-specific cards, where holder must present I.D. to us it. Just as most of us are asked for I.D. when using a credit or debit card. The largest problem with tweeking the system, even a little, is that any changes could be deemed as a racist move. That would be the typical knee-jerk reaction to a service which is, percentage wise, used mostly by minorities. I do know that in pure numbers, caucasions are the most help by the programs. But the percentages are vastly different.

The point at the end of the day is that the system doesn't work. Period. And any step for change is a better choice than leaving things the way they are. I just guess that we will have to wait and see what our elected officials decide to do. If you have any questions or concerns, I advise you to contact you local Michigan State Representative or Senator and let them know how you feel.



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