Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Shame on Who?

Debra Lafave had her case dropped in an Ocala, Florida court room this week. She had been accused of having an affair with a 14-year old boy. Lafave, 25, was a teacher and was alleged to have had sex with the teen in a car while the boy's cousin drove them about town. Lafave says that she is a "Strong Christian woman" and will put this behind her. She has also come the realization that she is bipolar and will need extensive counseling for years to come.

Now there are two ways to come at this story; position1 says, "Good for her. She did nothing wrong anyway", and position 2 says "She needs to be locked up, NOW!!". I do believe that how an individual feels on this issue is based upon one's sex, age and family situation (i.e. kids or no kids). The NJP by no means condones ANY kind of acts which may be sexual in nature and include people under aged. Personaly, as a father, I am quite upset about this. I could not imagine someone hurting one of my children. Not only do I not want to imagaine the pain my child would go through, I am also thinking about the pain my entire family would go through after I would have to pay for the actions taken after I get my hands on that individual whom has violated my child. The fact that this woman is getting off (no pun intended) is deplorable and the people whom are allowing an addmitted pedophile go free.
Another reason I am upset at this the situation is that if this were a 25-year old man and a 14-year old girl had a relationship such as this, the man would have long ago been strung up by his balls. Somehow, in the minds of the public, we have found that is more acceptable for 25- year old woman to have a sexual relationship with a 14-year old boy. Why is this true? A theory is that woman commonly the victim in these cases. If a woman cries "rape", a man's life is basiclly over, whether the accusations are true or not. Therefore it is a little harder for us to see the woman as the perpatrator. I just think this is a message that we are raised with and never question.
The 26-year old in me screams something totally different. Believe it or not, I too was once a 14-year old boy. All I had to do to be arroused was to think of anything. Absolutly anthing would have done it for me bak then. It just goes back to the fact "You cant Rape the willing". Keep that in mind this evening folks.
I'm outtie........ShrekZilla......Out


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