Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Election Time

Well folks it is that time again. The time when our community, state and country officials are selected. Here in this part of the wonderful state of Michigan we just had a our primary election. These elections will set the tables for the true battles to come this November.

A race of interest around here is the battle for seat of the 7th U.S. Congressional District. The incumbant was Joe Schwarz, a first term moderate-Republican from Battle Creek, against Tim Walberg from Tippen, Michigan in Jackson county. Walberg is a very,very far-right Republican whom plays to the religious right's strengths, i.e. gay marriage and abortion. The 7th district is a very large area reaching all the way from parts of Branch and Hillsdale counties to Washtenaw and Lenawee counties. Some problems in this area are the lack of jobs. Much like the rest of Michigan, this area is having a real hard time both creating and maintaining quality job, which is what Rep. Schwarz said was his goal. Apparently the voters thought otherwise. Putting social issues such as gay marriage and abortion rights to the forefront. This is where the problem, at least as I see it, starts. In my interactions with the great people of this area, we are not the hard-core right-wingers. We are closer to the middle, wanting a moderate government that preserves the peoples rights and maintains a stable economy. Yet apparently those masses didn't get out and vote. The "Moral Minority" is, unfortunatly, much more vocal and active than the more moderate majority. Just have to wait and see what we get in November when Mr. Walberg goes up against Sharon Renier, a democrat organic farmer from Jackson.

Something else that happened today was both houses in the state legislature voting to repeal the state's Singal Business Tax by the end of 2007, two years prior to when it was schedualed to end. This tax is one which taxes business not on profits, but on all earnings. This tax is responsible for nearly one-quarter of the states revenue for the General Fund, about $2.0 billion. What does the General Fund do? Oh, it only operates the State Police, the Legislature itself and several other services vital to the proper, safe and efficiant working of the state. My big problem with this is that there is no plan for the replacment of thise money, which I believe is quite important to all of us. When a repulican member from the legislature named Fulton Sheen was asked where the money would come from his respnse was this, "Bussiness doesnt pay taxes, people do." Take from that what ever you would like.

More to come......



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