Monday, August 28, 2006

It's Raining Posts

Very nice...the blog is heating up again. I just read my man Zilla's post and I have to agree that the Chappelle show in Detroit, while fun, was definitely hampered by some fools in the crowd. It actually got a lot of play over on the boards. So much so they made it a sticky...Click here to read what went down

It was good night and Dave schooled those idiots along the way..."Diamonds kill Africans."

You guys know me, and when the politics start up so goeth the Camel. It is really hard to say how things are going to go in the Michigan Governor's race. I don't think either candidate themselves have been too negative, but goddamn have the people that want them to win. The democratic commercials have definitely been harsher, but the republican ones are definitely starting to go that route. That is to be expected though in any campaign. You just cannot control people outside your circle. Ever since Congress changed campaign finance the fringe groups have gone nuts, but that is a whole other piece that I don't want to get into now.

The only critique that I have so far of any candidate' personal commercials is that Gov. Granholm seems to think she is running against GWB instead of DeVos. It is probably a good strategy, but eventually she will have to talk herself up and show she has a positive message and direction for the state. Actually if the two candidates keep to the personal tone I have seen so far it will be a refreshing change. We know that won't happen though.

Also Shrekman...If you want to see DeVos's plan, just check his website. I haven't read it yet, but it might have the answers that you are looking for.



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