Monday, September 11, 2006

The Monday Best of Blogger(I think...)


I don't know what to say. I promised a new feature that would bring the best of Blogger to the NJP-ites. Talk about a plan that kind of blew up in my face. That isn't really true because actually there are a ton of funny, bizarre and just plain neat-ass blogs out there. I just found that I couldn't start there because for every one really great blog I find in the wilderness, there seems to be one thousand I can't follow for one reason or another.

I want to start by stating that I am just talking about Blogger. There are a lot of fun blogs I read all the time outside of the realm of blogger. I will save those for another time. What I do want to spend some time dissecting is what happens when you click on this... on the top of this blog. That button is tough on you. It knows that you want to see what the world is thinking, and it is happy to show you. You just have to realize that the world is a lot bigger and funkier place than you might realize.

When I say that it shows you the world, I mean it. I have come to find that probably 7 out of ten clicks of brings me to a page that means nothing to me. It isn't because the blog isn't saying something important or that it isn't very well done. It is because it is saying it in ways I can't understand. I have seen Spanish, Turkish, Japanese, German, and almost every other flavor of blog out there. It is sort of humbling because it shows me that I have a lot to learn. It really brings the world into the world wide web.

Maybe someday I can actually review one of these sites for you but for now I will just hit you with ten links I found literally in the last 18 clicks of the next blog button.

Have fun with that and try to learn something...

This next type of funkiness isn't nearly as endearing or humbling as the blogs of our foreign friends. Probably one or two out of every ten clicks of is an ad. They aren't even very good ads. They are glorified adsense garbage. I can only hope that Blogger can start to do a better job weeding this jibber-jabber out of here. Here are a couple of links just so you can see what I mean. Hopefully, they are the only times you click on something like this...

So hopefully you can now see why this thing may be more than meets the eye. But, just so you know I am looking I am going to give you a link to a guy who really took this thing by the horns and ran with it.

This guy really is using the whole blogger community in a great way. I just might have to add our site to his list!

All I can say is enjoy the randomness of this thing we call the next blog button.

is your friend!!



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