Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I Proudly Accept

I am proud to accept the endorsement of my long time friend, TheBoomCamel. I would like to start off by saying that this journey will be a great one to take and I would like no other than the Camel at my side during this trek. It is also a great symbol of different thoughts and ideologies coming together for a common goal, and that goal is change.

It would probably be good to outline a few of my goals for this campaign. First I would like to say that the city needs change. The same old guard has been "ruling" over this city for almost 20 years. I use to the word "ruling" because our present leadership has not been serving the city. To serve this city these folks need to heed the words of it's citizens. The citizens of this city are the life blood to our elected officials. They cannot and will not exist without us. As the city has fallen more and more into decline we have begun to finger point. Yet where that finger needs to be pointed is at ourselves. We are the people whom have continued to reward our officials with term after term. I was always taught, that the definition of insanity is, all things being equal, doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. It seems as if that is what the voters of this city have been practicing. It is time to stand up and say that the "olde guard" is no longer working, that the "olde guard" is no longer representing the city to it's fullest. I encourage all registered voters to get out and exercise their right to vote and anyone not registered, please get out there and flex your voting muscle.

One of my first agendas would be to practice monetary responsibility. We need to eliminate any and all unneeded, outdated programs to make sure that the really needed programs are maintained and even bolstered. One example is our police department. In the past two years this city has seem violent crimes almost double in frequency and crimes involving guns just climb off the charts. We need to see, and let our police know that we stand behind them 100% by giving them more funds to combat the ever growing issues. Hire at least a dozen more police, put more police officers on the ground, pounding those streets and letting people see that police presence. We need to educate our youth on the ills that can come from this lifestyle and the possible consequences from moving down this road. Our fire department needs to be streamlined, and all citizens assured that when these services needed, they do not have to worry.

This is just a brief outline from where I will be coming from on this voyage. Please check back often for more news and views from this ever evolving campaign.

Keep fighting the good fight folks.

Commish ShrekZilla


At 5:12 PM, Blogger TheBoomCamel said...

First thing we have to do is hire you a spellchecker...

At 5:23 PM, Blogger ShrekZilla said...

shut up hoe.....everytime I try and check it on here the whole page dissapears.

At 5:35 PM, Blogger ShrekZilla said...

I have been doing some research this afternoon and found out a few is that if i ran in my ward, which is ward 4, i would be going up against our Mayor, John Godfrey. I dont know what you think about this. I think that he is a power house and maybe would be better going for the at large position. But then again it would say a lot if I could knock off a giant like him. Also I hope that I fixed the post to you liking. Doing the best I could with the kids and all.
I also think that I might need to come up with a differnt persona. I dont know how well this whole shrekzilla thing would work on a real political platform.Just tell me what you think dude.

I'm out


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